Tuesday 9 October 2012

Overcoming Mindsets


In order to overcome conventional mindsets, you have to free yourself by tackling the ordinary routine and habitual modes that practitioners use. By using Practitioners ordinary approach of thinking towards their design work, it will lead to assumptions of their work making it predictable, eliminating the element of surprise in their own design work. In order to have an element of surprise in your work, you have to push boundaries and break the conventional rules, by exploring techniques and ideas out of your comfort zone to reach creative outcomes. 

To overcome mindsets there is a three step process to achieve the creative thinking;

1) Think about what boundaries you are going to test, what rules are you going to break.

2) Find ways to challenge or change the rules by questioning your ideas, how could you explore this idea in different ways, find other ways of making marks for instance.

3) Be playful and experimental, trying to avoid assumptions of your outcomes in visual language, by not using conventional symbols that are usually selected to represent a response.

Christoph Niemann demonstrates he doesn't use a conventional thinking strategy, and always explores ways he can deliver a message in an unordinary way creating that element of surprise. By using this tactical method, it engages viewers, and makes Niemann's work unique in it's own way, as the practitioner has explored a vast amount of different ways to deliver a message so it's memorable, by breaking the conventional rules in exciting ways. By studying Niemann's illustration's it has inspired me to gradually adjust my thinking methods, by always critically analysing my work will help me question how I could challenge and break boundaries to make my work original, differing from the conventional methodology. This new way of thinking will help me adopt a fresh new attitude towards my work helping me develop my creative thinking.

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